Tuesday, March 2, 2010

For He's a Jolly Good Fetcher

The other day some of you received ecstatic texts from me proclaiming that I was having lunch with Bee Money. Some of you were confused. Most of you were stoked. For those of you who haven't had the pleasure, this is Bee Money:

It is no exaggeration to say that this guy is the most famous individual in all of Utah county. The brotha has facebook friends in the thousands. His videos are youtube sensations, at least in the BYU community. He has his own clothing line. He is an absofetchinlute legend.

Needless to say, when I happened to come across him on my way home from school Thursday afternoon, I could barely believe my luck. I was stricken with the most severe case of celebrity fever I've had since that pioneer visit to Krispy Kreme years ago (yes, that was the same visit in which I may or may not have cried upon my first bite of doughnut). The truth is that Carol and myself had become obsessed with this guy last summer, and had spent quite a few days trying to track him down and be his BFFs. It didn't work out then, but now I know, like so many other fated life events, that it was just a matter of timing.

Bee Money and I hit it off immediately. We got a table at J-Dawg's and he read me the draft of his forthcoming hit single (if you ask me, that thing is ready to roll). We shared life stories. We talked about some of the things that really matter. We said goodbye only on the condition that we simply must hang out again, and soon. Now he calls me daily. We have scheduled a hang-out for later this week, and he has invited me to sing in his upcoming album. I am finally a Bee Honey, and so happy to be.

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